티스토리 뷰
I start I made the new spring starter project in sts4.
But I checked the unknown error in pom.xml.
Why do these errors occur?
When the spring framework builds and compiles, depend on maven.
Something went wrong here and there was an error.
I don't know the specific reason.
How do fix these error?
Default pom.xml exists the only java.version in <properties>.
Add maven version 3.1.1 in <properties>.
IDE configuration is very important.
I hope it will help people who have the same problem as me.
Reference URL
Why am I getting Unknown error in line 1 of pom.xml?
Getting unknown error at Line 1 in pom.xml in Eclipse IDE. It was working fine till yesterday, but all of a sudden after updating my project from master and after fixing merge conflicts getting "Un...
pom.xml 파일의 line 1번 Unknown Error
에러 Unknown / line 1 / pom.xml / Maven Configuration Problem 개발환경 IDE : STS4 (Spring Tool Suite 4 / Version: 4.2.1.RELEASE / Build Id: 201904170946) 상황 STS4에서 프로젝트를 하나 생성하자 마자..
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