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[개발] 프레임워크/Spring

How do I set up the OS system variables in Spring Boot Application Properties?

by Devsong26 2019. 8. 4.


Recently, I have a job to use a public repository.

But I don't want to make public my configuration information.

At last, I found a way to meet my requirements and introduce them.


Spring boot application properties file can set up OS system variables.

You can follow the instructions below.


1. Set the key and value in an application properties file as shown in the format below.


The value format must be ${OS_VARIABLES_NAME}.


2. Set the OS system variables.

I don't care if it's a system variable or user variable, but I did it as a user variable.


3. Restart your IDE.


4. Start your application.


I think the OS system variable is as sensitive as the windows registry.

Therefore I set up my variable in user variables.


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