티스토리 뷰


Highcharts.js is a popular library to draw several graphs like dot, bar, heatmap, etc...

I like Highcharts.js and I've used Highcharts.js many times.

However, if you want to use highcharts.js, the license must be verified and used.

To get a free license, you only must use highcharts.js on a personal website or non-profit organization.


1. About

Highcharts is a battle-tested SVG-based, multi-platform charting library that has been actively developed since 2009.

It makes it easy to add interactively, mobile-optimized charts to your web and mobile projects.

It features robust documentation, advanced responsiveness and industry-leading accessibility support.


2. How to use in source code

This post explains the way I use it.

Highcharts type default value is a line and can display several series of data.

The below code is a basic example and I will explain as I expand the source code below.

Highcharts.chart('container', {
	title : {
  	text : 'basic example'
  series: [{
  	name : 'data',
    data : [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]



- chart option

Highcharts has several chart types and can be found at the URL below.



If you change a chart type, add a chart option in source code.



- tooltip option

You can set the options for the tooltip that appears when the user hovers over a series or point.



plotOptions option

The plotOptions is a wrapper object for the config object for each series type.

The config objects for each series can also be overridden for each series item as given in the series array.



- xAxis, yAxis option

You can customize a chart axis displayed data.



3. application

In fact, I wanted to write this part so I posted this post.

I found a way to access highcharts by code, and if using an index, access to specific charts.

//code that to access chart list.

//code that to access chart corresponding to the index

I suffered the problems like below.

- must hide duplicated series name on xAxis.

- must move series name on xAxis after chart loading.

- must toggle the series display.


Why did I face this problem?

It was necessary to toggle the series display with the same name but different values.


I can solve the charts problem in this way that using the chart load event option.

The load event runs after a complete chart load.


A solution to the problems above.

- must hide duplicated series name on xAxis.


- must move series name on xAxis after chart loading.


- must toggle the series display.



If showInLegend is false, series hid but when again show series, series name gray out.

Because of the series name gray out. I hid all series legend group.


It took me about three days to solve the problem.

I hope people with the same problems will benefit from my posts.


Reference URL

About highcharts.js license


Highchart API
